Sculptures Paintings Reviews Art for Scholarship
I invite you to take an art journey with me as a fellow seeker of beauty, truth and hope for the future. These words and works were done for the love of artistic expression. Each poem written from the heart with a message to the student in each of us. Every sculpt, painting and photograph a frame meant to capture a moment in life. What is life, but a great and beautiful mystery!
“A man is not his heart ~ Yet he will learn to follow it ~ It will
draw him as the flower draws the bee ~ He will live between its
mountains and valleys.”
Excerpt from The Measure of a Man, Don Tocco
I invite you to take an art journey with me as a fellow seeker of beauty, truth and hope for the future. These words and works were done for the love of artistic expression. Each poem written from the heart with a message to the student in each of us. Every sculpt, painting and photograph a frame meant to capture a moment in life. What is life, but a great and beautiful mystery!
“A man is not his heart ~ Yet he will learn to follow it ~ It will
draw him as the flower draws the bee ~ He will live between its
mountains and valleys.”
Excerpt from The Measure of a Man, Don Tocco

Don’t sculptures are the feature of his art. His sculptures have been featured in the automotive hall of fame and various universities.
Here is a selection of Don Tocco’s art – some pieces are featured in his book Art of the Journey
“The truisms and beauty of Don Tocco’s poetry expresses the thoughts, feelings and the endless expressions of emotions felt from time to time by all of us. I found the poems to be compelling and pertinent to my own life.”
-Mel Zuckerman, Founder and CEO of Canyon Ranch Resorts (The #1 healthy-living company in the world.)
“The Art of the Journey is a testament to the distinction of its creator. Like Don, it is focused on those things of greatest importance, such as love, friendship, and the worth of a man. It is a noble endeavor.”
– Dr. Larry Arnn, President Hillsdale College
“Picasso said, ‘Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.’ We thank you, Don Tocco, for sharing your diary with us. A peek into your soul does wonders for ours.”
– Bernard Goldberg, author of New York Times bestseller, Bias
“As TV’s Wyatt Earp, a U.S. Marine Corps drill instructor, and founder of Hugh O’ Brian Youth Leadership, I know what a Top Gun truly is. Don Tocco always gives from the heart. Read Art of the Journey, understand, and be inspired.”
– Hugh O’Brian, aka Wyatt Earp
Reviews From Students at Finney High School
“I would like to keep this book be-cause I am also a poet, and it brings ideas to my own work. It gave a message in every poem. It has a hook that pulls me in.”
– Alissa, Grade 11
“I would definitely recommend this book to others. This book has the power to spark interest in all. I feel it has something for everyone.”
– Nathaniel, Grade 12
“I would love to keep this book because it’s so positive and truthful! I was very inspired by the poem Black. Even though my skin is black, I am a child of God.”
– Sherise, Grade 11
“The most inspiring part of the book for me was the author’s positive self-esteem.”
-Kenyatta, Grade 12.
Art for Scholarship
Don Tocco will give his 16th annual speech at Hillsdale College on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Searle Center, where he will kick off his “Art for Scholarship” innovation. He anticipates distributing up to 50 paintings as a gift this year for Art for Scholarship, with the four investment classifications of Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Those who donate will have up to five years to fund their scholarship commitment, yet will receive the artwork upon the first payment installment.
“We are reaching out to alumni and students of Hillsdale College, and I believe there’s no better place to give back than the place from which you have received the most,” Tocco said. “That’s why they say, ‘charity begins at home.’” “The alumni should want to give back. The obvious reason is to help those students following them, and provide the same opportunity they received when securing scholarship monies.”
Don has also sculpted the top Ford Motor Company automotive leaders of the last 70 years, which in July, 2017 were placed in the Automotive Hall of Fame. These include: Ed Lundy, CFO of Ford 1947 – 1985; Don Petersen, Ford Chairman 1987 – 1991, Red Poling, Ford Chairman 1991 – 1995, and most recently, former Ford CEO Alan Mulally, 2006-2014, who successfully stewarded Ford through the recession and restored the company to profitability.
Partial proceeds will go to future student scholarships and the remainder to Hillsdale College clubs. Don emphasizes the necessity for scholarships to open up opportunities for other students. “The bottom line is they are helping young people to get the opportunity they had.”
During this year’s program “Art of the Journey”, Don will also include his normal theme of encouraging students to seek what the Greeks call “Arete” – to strive to be the best possible self — compared to no one else.